In addition to an emphasis on alcohol use disorder — especially the underlying neurobiology and medication intervention — this online CME course explores opioid use disorder, medication treatment options and how best to use them, and at-risk subpopulations. Assessment and Effective Treatment of Alcohol and Substance Abuse Disorders is psychiatry continuing medical education that takes an in-depth look at:
- Nonmedication treatment options, including behavioral strategies and pharmacological interventions
- The role of psychotherapy, referral to AA, and SMART Recovery
- Helping family members of patients with substance use disorders
- Techniques to deal with the unmotivated patient’s denial, ambivalence, and reluctance to change, demonstrating how to motivate, persuade and confront effectively
- Assessment and treatment of patients with co-occurring disorders such as trauma
Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this activity, participants will be better able to:- Evaluate indications for and use of common substance use disorder medications
- Develop helpful strategies for family members of those with substance use disorders
- Determine options for abstinence vs. cutting down
- Distinguish substance-induced disorders vs. independent psychiatric illness
- Refer patients knowledgeably to mutual-help groups such as AA or SMART Recovery
- Evaluate key properties of the common drugs of abuse
- Practice techniques to deal with denial, ambivalence, and reluctance to change
- Demonstrate how to motivate, persuade and confront effectively
- Develop helpful strategies for patients who want to cut down but who you think should abstain
- Analyze models of both psychopharmacological and psychotherapeutic treatments for patients with substance use disorders and co-occurring psychiatric illness
Target Audience
This educational activity was designed for health professionals in the fields of psychiatry, psychology, nursing, social work, counseling, medicine, pediatrics and surgery.TOPICS / SPEAKERS
All lectures by Mark Albanese, MD
Introduction and Assessment: Focus on Multidimensional Assessment of Patients with Substance Use Disorder
Treatment of Substance Use Disorders: Focus on Medications, Part 1
Treatment of Substance Use Disorders: Medications, Part 2, and Non-Medication Approaches
Co-Occurring Disorders: Implications, Assessment, and Treatment
Opioid Use Disorder: Assessment, Treatment, and Special Considerations
Date of Original Release: December 31, 2021
Termination Date: January 31, 2024